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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Christian VS. Christian

The line in the sand has been drawn. You are on one side of the line, wondering why it has just been drawn before you. You look up to see a group of people whispering and pointing at you on the other side of the line. This group of people call themselves Christians. Ironically, you call yourself a Christian as well.

This is a story of the hidden war that goes on daily. It’s a war that no one really wants to talk about. It’s a war between one Christian and another Christian.  The line has been drawn – not by you, but by your accusers, the Christians on the other side. This line declares that you are guilty, and there is a distinct difference between you and them. You are wrong and they are right. This line represents discord.

The Christians who became your accusers begin to pick up stones. Now, these stones don’t look like normal stones, because they are secretly disguised. These stones are so wrapped up in deception, that the person holding the stone actually believes it is appropriate to pick it up and throw it at you. They may not even realize they are throwing stones at you because they are so blinded by the deception that so cunningly hides the true nature of the stones. They may not even realize that the process of bending over and looking for a stone even took place.

One of these stones is disguised as “justification.” The person who picked up this stone is convinced that they are doing the “right thing,” and has justified their action of picking up the stone. They are about to throw it at you, continuing to justify why it’s perfectly acceptable to throw the stone. And when the stone hits you, and you shriek in agony, you hear this person laughing. Why would this person be happy about your pain?

Another stone is secretly disguised as a “church meeting.” This person has called meetings with other people, and has become convinced that it is acceptable to throw this stone at you, because they sought what they would call “biblical counsel.” Unfortunately, it was at this “church meeting” that you were slandered and crucified. Someone from this group bends down to pick up a stone that is marked “borrowed offense” and throws it at you. All of a sudden, you realize that this person is a stranger. You look closer, and you start to feel your eyes well up with tears. Why is a complete stranger throwing this stone at you? You have never even met this person. How could they throw a stone at you without even an introduction? This person has never entered your home, met your children, or gotten one glimpse of your heart. Why didn't they judge you by your fruit? They haven’t even met your fruit, which happens to be your children. They pick up yet another stone, which says “false accusations.” You hang your head as this merciless stone is thrown at you. You try to duck and move, so that perhaps the stone will miss you, but it comes straight toward your heart. This hit brings deep hurt.

As you resolutely pull yourself up off the ground, you squint your eyes, because you see your friend, your neighbor, and your family member collecting stones. Surely, they are not about to throw them at you, are they? Being betrayed by a friend or someone you love and know well tastes like death. You stand there watching as your lifelong friend quickly collects a handful of stones, carefully deciding which one to throw first. One by one, these stones rip into your heart. You would rather be physically beaten than watch your own family member, friend, or neighbor holding these stones. You try to hide the tears that are flowing so freely now. And before you know it, you see another stone flying in the air, marked with words that depict everything you are passionately against. You live out Truth, yet the stone is marked "liar." Your life breathes purity, yet the stone is marked "perversion." You live a life of consecration, yet this stone calls you a "fraud." You cover your face while these so-called Christians continue throwing stones at you. You hear a crowd nearby that has slowly gathered to watch the war. You hear them whispering and you see them pointing fingers at you. You hear your name as people in the crowd start talking about you. You look around, wondering who is going to step forward and defend you. No one steps forward. You start looking around for places where you can run and hide. You hang your head in shame and embarrassment.

You are numb, weary, bruised, and bleeding. You fall to your knees due to the excruciating pain that has been inflicted upon you by these stones. You realize that your heart hurts worse than your physical body. You feel misunderstood. You feel like you are going into battle with your armor on. You are on top of a horse, right on the front lines, and yet you have been beaten up so badly that you feel like you are about to fall off. You feel like giving up.

All of a sudden, you feel someone’s hand upon your shoulder, the hand of a Man who somewhat resembles you. Tears are streaming down His face. He appears to have been in the exact same war as you. Blood is streaming down His body, and you notice that this Man bears the very same scars as you. His wounds match your wounds. His deep cuts are identical to your cuts. He walks over to where the line has been drawn in the sand, and He begins to erase it. His blood is dripping over the spot where the line had once appeared so clearly. He walks over to your accusers and whispers into their ears, telling them to drop their stones. He weeps because He has to watch His children throw stones at one another. Some can’t hear Him whisper into their ears, because their hearts have turned into stones as cold as the ones they hold in their hands.

He turns to you and lifts you up, just as a father carries his beloved child on his back. He tells you that you can rest in Him. He sits you down and begins to wash your feet with His tears, and lets them fall upon your open wounds. He teaches you how to take the very stones that were thrown at you and build an altar with them, where you can simply worship Him. You feel a peaceful blanket of grace surround you as you weep, because you feel a healing balm enter the depths of your heart. This Man hands you His sword, and you realize your strength has returned. It is a deeper strength than you have ever known. You watch this Man go before you, and begin to prepare a path for you. He tells you to be still and know that He is God. Many weapons may be formed. Many weapons may even be used against you – but none will prosper.

---to be continued.

(and now for my rambling...)

There are many things that grieve my heart, but the fact that Christians can’t get along makes the grieving more intense. I don’t understand why two professing Christians can’t sit down and handle things biblically. Why can’t they talk it out until reconciliation is made? Why are Christians slaughtering other Christians almost daily?  Why must there be so much discord amongst Christians? Why can’t we all get along? Why must unity be so difficult? No wonder people don’t want to walk into a church building!

I have heard it said more than once that many people consider a bar safer then a church. This has got to change! I understand there are some people you can’t reconcile with. You try and try, but for some reason they have a door inside of their hearts that slams shut every time you go knocking. You try to apologize and perform acts of kindness in order to seek reconciliation, but they slam the door shut in your face and choose to hold a grudge. You even try and reconcile when you were the one who was wronged, and yet nothing but revenge drips from their tongues and actions.

This kind of thing disgusts me. I can’t quite wrap my brain around it. I guess that’s because I grew up in a home where you “duked” it out until reconciliation was made. I love the story of a couple in marriage counseling, who could not agree on some particular issues. The fighting and arguing was fierce between them. The pastor asks them a simple question: “So, which one of you is gonna die today?” Why can't we die daily to our flesh and choose to walk in the Spirit? Why can’t we lay down our need to be right? We have no business seeking what we consider to be justice. We need to touch the heart of God, and find out what He considers to be justice. If my young children can face their biological parents who did horrors to them, and in doing so still choose forgiveness, then why can’t we? If the mother who just lost her children to a horrendous murder can visit the murderer in prison, and seek reconciliation, then why can’t we all find some way to get along? If the wife can forgive the drunk driver who just killed her husband and newborn baby, why can’t we simply forgive each other? What do we gain from revenge? What does it really prove? How can destroying another Christian truly make you feel like you did the right thing? 

I am sick and tired of church splits, organizations bashing one another, women not being able to bridle their tongues, and people not even talking to their own family members. We say we want revival and for professing Christians to actually be the Church. Well, then, let’s lay down our need to be right and start being Jesus to one another!

To put it simply, I do not have time to put up with discord, unnecessary drama, gossip, slander, or anything that is not holy. There is never an excuse to talk about another person in a negative light – end of story.

Let's choose to say only that which we would want quoted.
We have three family rules in my home:
1) First Time Obedience
2) Sweetness or Silence
3) Be Givers Not Takers

I think it’s time we all be Sweet or Silent. Let us become consumed with loving our Jesus, becoming intimate with Him, taking care of our spouses, pouring into our kids, and cleaning our homes and hearts out!

May our hearts break for the things that break the heart of our precious Lord Jesus. May we be too consumed with serving our Lord that we have no time for "unnecessary nonsense." And may we stay away from "idle chatter,” only speaking what is lovely and what will bring Glory to our God.

And let us lay down our stones. Let us not even consider picking one up. Let us not even consider looking for stones!

If you are like the person in my story, and have had many stones thrown at you, may you be rest assured that you didn't go through that trial alone. As the leader of an organization, I can testify to the “unnecessary drama” that comes about at times. But when stones begin to fly, I have learned to pick them up, build an altar, and worship the Lord. Go build your altar and worship the God who goes before us!

You are called.
You are anointed.
You are equipped.
You are more than a conqueror.
You are here for such a time as this.
You are royalty.
You are a sanctuary.
You have been called out of darkness and into His light!
You are forgiven.
You are cherished.
You are wanted.
You are needed.
You are LOVED! ......and so shall you be treated.


  1. Amen and Amen! It happens all too often everywhere. Great illustration.
    Keep up the God work.

  2. A.B. Simpson - "I would rather play with the forked lightning than to speak a reckless word against any servant of Christ. I would rather take in my hands live wires with their fiery current than to idly repeat the slanderous darts which thousands of Christians are hurling at others to the hurt of their own souls and bodies."

  3. WOW! You took the words right out of my mouth... I am a sinner but I am also forgiven by God. Don't use my past against me because I am not that person anymore. Get to know me before throwing those stones and you might see that.

    Love this. Thanks!

  4. Beautifully written, Heather. Thank you for this reminder.

    Julie Stanley
    Wife to my High School Sweetheart
    Momma of 4 sweeties
