Parental Rights
"The government is not always adept at decision-making, and it really does make a terrible parent.”
I cringe every time I hear the term "children's rights." I know most of the organizations that say they are for children's rights are simply trying to protect children from abuse, so I am for this 100%. However, I am also for children having rights when it comes to having the freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion, disability, ethnicity, and other characteristics. I believe they should have equal protection of civil rights. What I can't grasp is how there are so many movements out there that are basically placing the child versus the parent.
I think of my son who wants to be a Lego-spy-ninja-warrior and who could spend his days playing castle in the bath tub, cuddling with me watching Ninjago movies, and playing Legos and doing mock sword fights. So should a Lego-spy-ninja-warrior who has aspirations of defeating everyone with his karate moves be awarded so many rights by the government? Should my Lego-spy-ninja-warrior be battling me in family court? I will let you answer that for yourself.
I personally would have to vote a... BIG NO.
I am not on the bandwagon for "children's rights" when it means placing the child against the parent. If there was a bandwagon that I would get on, it would be the one championing "Parental Rights."
I mean, if I allowed my kids to make life altering decisions, this could get scary…and fast.
Yes, we should allow children to think for themselves and our prayer for any of them should be that they turn out better than us and don't make the same mistakes we made. But children need speed limits, guard rails as they journey off into this world to grow and learn. There must be certain boundaries in place, and we as parents need to act as those guard rails to our children, as we raise them to be productive individuals of society.
I love this quote by Mike Huckabee, whether you support him or not. The man has a great point:
“I know this: I know that mothers and fathers raise better children than governments ever will.”
Another quote from Assemblyman Tim Donnelly says:
“I think the system itself is flawed and needs to be fundamentally reformed from the ground up.”
I agree with these two statements. The system is flawed and governments were never meant to raise children....end of story.
Today, parental rights are being stomped on. If you just take a small glimpse at the daily news to see what is happening in our family court system, it is heart wrenching. You have people like Lou and Linda Pelletier who took their 15 year old daughter, Justina, to get medical care, and then without any notice she was hijacked by the CPS system. They have been battling for their right to decide medical care for Justina for over a year now.
You have famous families like Will & Jada Smith being harassed by CPS over a picture that THEY DID NOT post.
You have fathers nationwide fighting to get custody of their children that are being so freely adopted out by the mothers without their consent.
You have children and young teens testifying against their parents and trying to sue them for outrageous accusations.
You have families in every state fighting and begging for reunification plans to get their children back, children that were legally kidnapped by a government organization we created, an organization called Child Protective Services.
You have grandparents nationwide that are battling the court system trying to get custody of their grand-children, but the courts are giving foster parents more rights than actual blood relatives.
You have families like me who have dedicated their life to the unwanted, hard to adopt children, who are constantly harassed by the government for our specific parenting styles just because they do not recognize RADS (Reactive Attachment Disorder) as a real issue.
The government should not be able to tell us how to raise our children. We as parents should have the freedom to decide what is in their best interests. If Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar want to change all their kids names starting with the Letter "Z", decide to un-school rather than home school them, and make them all wear purple and green and walk in a straight line, then so be it. More power to them! If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie want to raise their children a certain way with the convictions of their hearts, life experiences, and belief system, then so be it. More power to them! It is not for us to judge other peoples parenting beliefs and styles.
Parents should have the RIGHT to decide the educational, medical, and disciplinary methods for their children.
-To spank or not to spank? This should be your right as a parent to decide according to your belief system.
-To immunize or not immunize? This is your parental Right to decide.
-To send your kids to public school, private school, home school, or un-school. This is your parental Right.
-To discipline or not to discipline. This is your parental Right.
-To have your kids eat organic or not to eat organic. This is your Right.
-To allow your kids to play video games or not to play. This is your parental Right.
-To watch TV or ban the television from your home. This is your parental Right.
-To choose doctors and medicine or go the homeopathic route. This is your parental Right.
-To allow your child to wear tube tops or wear a parka. This is your Right.
-To decide whether you attend church or not to attend church. This is your Right.
I have personally had my parental rights stomped on, and I can say that it hurts deeply. It hurts to have your parenting put on display and criticized, and it hurts all the more when those doing the criticizing have not walked in your shoes.
So I want to send a huge cyber-hug to all those struggling with your parental rights being stomped on. I understand and am joining you in the fight, praying for all states to recognize our parental rights. For more information on parental rights, and to learn about the Parental Rights Amendment and sign the petition, please visit: